old updates

2019Sep19 -- hey

2019Aug30 -- minor updates have been made to all of the websites i'm working on

2019Aug06 -- birthday

2019Jul27 -- didn't clean up my html lol

been learning backend language stuff and having fun with that, not much to update at the moment but its been two weeks

busy busy busy need 2 make music


2019Jul12 -- no big updates, made images/videos page loadable by adding much smaller thumbnail previews, & added a couple scribbles. gonna clean up my html in a bit too.

i plan on working on more music and/or learning more css stuff in the next week or two

take care, -rowan&

2019Jul03 -- do U ever realize ur 88x31 button is actually 97x31 and ur wondering how u fckd that one up
anyway, that's fixed now, pls use my button.

THINGS I ADDED/CHANGED: the scribbles page is a table now, and there are comments about each scribble so you have a vague sense of what ur getting urself into before you click. On the
[ MISC ] page, i've added 3 new pages, Images, Videos, and Sites. All of them are filled with random stuff, go take a gander.

still working on other websites, still burning myself out, doing self exploration in the meantime, i've been EXTREMELY feeling the music itch though and should just bust out openmpt and do something for heck sake. i think thats it for the update, might add more buttons to the about page later idk.

xoxo -rowan&

2019Jun26 -- Finally updated this main page!! lmao
up next is the scribbles page and the landing page

2019Jun23 -- I've been added to Districts! still busy making some other sites right now, including one about teeth, as well as having some very exciting plans for other sites, i will link them all here when i have a sizeable amount.

taking a break from music for a bit and focusing on work/school stuff but i always have plenty of time to practice html because it's quick and fun. i will put more effort towards making some scribbles or experimenting with some art stuff though! may upload a scribble soon.

stay hydrated, stay safe, thank u for reading.


2019Jun16 -- i got jaup'd....,,,
Working on some other neocities sites right now and will link to them here when they are done. yeehaw. stay tuned

2019Jun08 -- i tried adding a quicknav bar on the side of the pages but floating is weird and it would look fine on some pages but bad on other pages. i kept it on the contact page so you can see what it looks like. i got the symbols from here.

i added more buttons to the about page, made a bad website, made the text a little brighter on all pages, and added some scribbles and the tracker vids to the misc page too. hopefully have more to add here soon, still need to update this goddamn page's layout.

thanks -rowan&

2019May26 -- it's finally done!! i spent way too long trying to make a nice-to-look-at but not over the top About page and its done. it's done ! i'll probably still add on to it in the future but it's done !!

the misc. page is also up, where i will post things that don't have a home yet. I also edited the ending to one of my albums, and put the stem on the [ SCRIBBLES ] page.

future plans include: redesigning this main page, filling out/adding character to other pages, and to drink more water.

Thanks 4 stopping by. -rowan&

2019May20 -- workin' on some other pages offline so my profile isnt bombarded with updates and unfinished pages. Tryna make the 'about' page not look like butt. 'misc' page i could probably upload right now but i'm busy ggggg. but HEY, if i followed your site and you have a 88x31 button you want on my blog, contact me somewhere on the
page and i'll put it on here. until then i'll be working and dying from burnout. god bless happy monday y'all.


2019May14 -- all scribbles have been migrated to here :%), about/misc page left 2 do, i also want to redesign this main page

2019May12 -- Tryna hammer out the final stuff for this site lol

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